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Energy Efficient Heating Tips

heat pump outside

Warm Up, Florida!

While Florida might be known for its sandy beaches and sub-tropical climate, it can still get cold during the winter season. Unfortunately for homeowners, as the temperature begins to drop, energy bills begin to rise.

Although Floridians only need heating for a relatively short period of time, it can be a drain on both your energy and wallet to find reliable ways to keep warm. Down below are six helpful tips on how to keep your home heated while saving yourself some money in both the short and long term.

Install a Heat Pump

One way to keep your home warm without breaking the bank is by having a heat pump installed. Heat pumps provide an efficient way to heat your home by extracting warm air from the outside and moving it inside to heat the house.

While furnaces and resistive heaters are great at creating their own heat, they use more energy and are better suited for harsher climates. Heat pumps are a more practical way for homes located in moderate climates, such as Florida, to stay warm in the winter. As a bonus, heat pumps can also cool your home, meaning you get both a heating and cooling system for the price of one.

Schedule Furnace Maintenance

Just like your AC needs maintenance to function properly, so does your furnace. The average home in Florida doesn't use its heating system on a routine basis, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored. The maintenance will ensure that your system is running as efficiently as possible, which will prevent your utility bills from skyrocketing.

Another reason to have your system inspected and cleaned is to prevent future problems that could leave you without a working furnace for weeks and could be costly to have fixed.

Insulate Your Home

With proper insulation, homeowners are able to keep their heating systems running effectively, which reduces the total amount of energy it takes to keep your home warm during the colder winter months.

This may include insulating your attic or sealing drafty doors and windows. You could also swap out your current window treatments for thicker curtains that can help keep the cold out and the heat in.

This process will not only cut the cost of your energy bills but will protect your HVAC system from taking on too much wear and tear, which means fewer repairs and a longer lifespan.

Lower Your Thermostat

By simply reducing the thermostat's temperature by 10 to 15 degrees during sleep hours, homeowners can save around 10 percent on their heating bills. Smart thermostats can even be programmed to decrease their temperature during hours that homeowners are away, which can significantly reduce your utility costs.

Turn on a Space Heater

If you're looking to heat a small area of your home as efficiently as possible, a space heater might be your best bet. Electric space heaters are an extremely energy-efficient method to keep warm due to the fact that there is zero heat loss through ducts or combustion.

Space heaters are very efficient at heating closed-off areas that you're only occupying for shorter periods, so long as they’re used safely. Avoid placing space heaters too close to furniture, curtains, bedding, or anything that may catch fire — and don’t leave them on and unattended.

Cook Indoors

If you’re looking for a heating solution that can save you power it might be time for you to show off your inner Gordon Ramsay. Cooking indoors is a simple way to warm up your house without using too much power.

The only real drawback to this method (depending on how well you can cook) is that it's a relatively short-term fix and you will need to look elsewhere for a longer-lasting solution.

Schedule Heating Services Today

If you're looking for professional heating services, contact Anthony's Cooling-Heating-Electrical at (941) 347-0779 or visit us online! Our knowledgeable, skilled and experienced team can provide you with all of your heating, cooling, and electrical needs as well as assist you with the most modern and innovative of appliances.