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Energy Vampires to Avoid This Halloween

Male vampire hissing at camera

You may not know it, but many of the devices in your home are energy vampires. Energy vampires are devices that consume power even when they're turned off. While they may not seem like a big deal, energy vampires can cost you a significant amount of money over time. In this blog post, we'll discuss what energy vampires are, what types of devices are energy vampires, how much they could be costing you, and how to combat them.

What Are Energy Vampires?

Energy vampires are devices that consume power even when they're turned "off." While most people assume that their electronics only use power when they're actively being used, that's simply not the case. Many devices continue to draw power even when they're turned off or in standby mode. This "phantom power" can account for up to 10% of your home's total energy usage!

Types of Energy Vampires

There are a number of devices that fall into the category of "energy vampires." Some of the most common include:

• Cell phone chargers: Even when they're not actively charging a device, cell phone chargers consume power. If you're not using yours, unplug it from the outlet.

• Computers and laptops: Computers and laptops use a lot of power, even when they're turned off. If you're not using yours for an extended period of time, consider unplugging it.

• TVs and gaming consoles: Just like computers and laptops, TVs and gaming consoles use a lot of power, even when they're turned off. If you're not using yours for an extended period of time, consider unplugging it.


How Much Do Energy Vampires Cost?

The amount of money that energy vampires can add to your energy bill varies depending on the type and number of devices you have in your home. However, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the average household spends about $100 per year on phantom power. So, if you have a lot of devices in your home, or if you have particularly power-hungry devices (like gaming consoles or home theater systems), your energy vampires could be costing you even more than that!


How Can I Combat Energy Vampires?

There are a few different ways that you can combat energy vampires:

  1. Unplug devices when you're not using them. This is especially important for devices that have transformers, like computers and printers.

  2. Use a smart power strip. Smart power strips allow you to control which devices are receiving power even when they're turned off.

  3. Invest in smart home automation. Smart home automation gives you the ability to control all of your devices from one central location. Anthony's Smart Home Automation is a great resource for finding out more about smart home automation.

  4. Use surge protectors: Plugging your electronics into a surge protector helps reduce standby power consumption. Just be sure to turn off the surge protector when you're not using your electronics so that it doesn't become an energy vampire itself!

  5. Invest in energy-efficient devices: When it's time to replace your old electronics, look for energy-efficient models. They may cost more upfront, but they'll save you money in the long run by consuming less power.

We’re Here to Help!

Energy vampires are devices that consume power even when they're turned off. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can actually add up to a significant amount of wasted energy, which can be a real drain on your wallet. By understanding what energy vampires are and taking steps to combat them, you can save yourself a lot of money over time.

To learn more about how to combat energy vampires, call (941) 347-0779 to speak with the electrical experts at Anthony's Cooling-Heating-Electrical.

